Why Can’t We Handle Criticism?

Often when someone points out our short coming, we tend to take it as a personal insult & make a face as to why this person is saying all that he/she is. This person could be a parent,friend,boss or even a stranger. We end up feeling unpleasant & start criticizing & pointing fingers at the other person in order to drive home the point that even he/she is not perfect..

Reacting like this to any negative feedback is more like a defense mechanism for a lot of people. Why do individuals rise up against an unpalatable critique? All of us know that all mortal beings are, by definition, imperfect then why do we make acknowledging that such a big ego hassle?

If put rightly then the feedback given by the person may still be accepted by us but if he/she decides to say the same thing in a slightly curt manner then suddenly all hell breaks loose & we get into an argument or start harboring a grudge for no rhyme-or-reason.

Learning to be conscious of our blemishes is the only way to emerge brighter than before! Master the art of keeping people who point out your weaknesses close to you because they are the ones who’ll refine you unlike sycophants who only know how to please.